Erotic stories of George likes sex

Profile page of George likes sex. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

George likes sex wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 1.1K times

Straight | 2
2023-07-29 06:11:38
2022-05-20 23:47:45
George likes sex update. Since last time, I'm continued as planned mostly. Andrea found out about my fucking Doreen; I was totally shocked when asked me straight about fucking my receptionist/Personal Assistant. My wife knows me to well and noticed I wasn't acting the same as before I got promoted. Meaning my wandering eye wasn't wandering as much if at all, she knew I must be getting extra sex. She got her mother to mind the children and surprised me and Doreen in our hotel room in bed together fucking. She wasn't as u...reading time 2 mingenre
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I use peopleI'm the youngest in my family and also work for the family business. I'm married to Andrea 29 and have 3 children with her. But it's also understood in my family that you don't have affairs and ruin your marriage. Andrea's family believe divorce isn't right and would cut her off if she was to divorce me and my family believe and would the same to me. Especially if I was to have an affair to cause the divorce. I'm George 31 and like my life of privilege and money. But I also like sex and will do ...reading time 3 mingenre
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